“比比安慕希”其实是“Beep beep I'm a sheep”这句歌词的谐音,这首歌的名字就叫Beep Beep I'm a Sheep,其实早在2017年就已经在网络上走红,演唱者是LilDeuceDeuce、TomSka以及BlackGryph0n。
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Yeah now some of you might be wondering
How exactly does one beep beep like a sheep
Take it away
Step one
Throw your hands up
Then point them too the floor
Step two
Here's what to do
Now get down on all fours
Step three
Just bounce around
It's easy follow me
Step four
Go crazy now
And beep beep like a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep I'm a sheep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep
You've got to
You've got to
Beep beep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep
You've got to
You've got to
Beep beep
I said beep beep like a sheep
Yeah so you know how to beep beep like a sheep
I see
But is that all you can do
Step one
Throw your hands up
And point them to the sky
Step two
Drop to the floor
And move from side to side
Step three
Just bounce around
Come on I'll show you how
Step four
Go crazy now
And meow meow like a cow
Meow meow I'm a cow
I said meow meow I'm a cow
Meow meow I'm a cow
I said meow meow I'm a cow
Meow meow I'm a cow
I said meow meow I'm a cow
Meow meow I'm a cow
I said meow meow I'm a cow
Beep beep
You've got to
You've got to
Beep beep
I said beep beep I'm a sheep
Beep beep
You've got to
You've got to
Beep beep
I said beep beep like a sheep
Beep beep
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